Canterbury Public School (CPS) Parents and Citizens' Association (P&C) is a not-for-profit Organisation which is established to promote the interests of the school by bringing parents, citizens, students, and teaching staff into close co-operation. It supports the school to provide quality education for all our children, assists in the provision of extra-curricular opportunities, works to enhance the school environment, and creates a welcoming and friendly school community.
While participating in meetings and committees is one way to contribute and find out what's going on, we welcome all families to contribute to the school community in whatever way they can.
You can also follow on the P&C's Facebook page.
Become a member
P&C membership is encouraged and is open to all parents and guardians of students attending the school, and to all local citizens. We welcome new members.
If you’d like to join the P&C here is the online form with the details: https://bit.ly/4bzDSFw.
The Annual Membership Fee is $2.00 and entitles you to be involved in the decision making of the P&C.
P&C meetings
Canterbury Public School P&C meetings are open to everyone. They are held twice each term in week 3 and week 8, on Wednesdays 7.15-8:30pm. You can come in person to the staffroom or join us online through zoom. They are a great way to learn more about the school.
P&C sub-committees
Parents are welcome to join the followingsub-committees, and they do not have to be a P&C member, though it is encouraged. If you need to get in contact with any of the sub-committees listed here, please send us an email at canterburypublicschool.pandc@gmail.com.
The events sub-committee works on providing various community-focused activities throughout the school year, as well as raising funds for improvements to the school. Some events they have organised include the Welcome Day Picnic, Mother's and Father's Day breakfasts, a trivia night, school disco, and the walkathon.
The OSHCare sub-committee acts as a liaison for parents, carers and staff, aiming to help ensure the students have the best possible after-hours care.
Members of the garden committee aim to meet once a month on a Saturday afternoon in the school's thriving fruit and vegetable garden. The committee also supports the Green Thumbs student club with students working in the garden every Thursday morning before school, harvesting delicious produce to sell to the community. Check the school calendar for the monthly garden bee dates.
Grant writing
The grant writing committee was formed in 2019 with outstanding outcomes to date including successful grant submissions resulting in the Aboriginal garden refurbishment, improved playground spaces, enhancements to the fruit and vegetable community garden and a kitchen garden program. The committee continues to look for grant opportunities that will support and improve the school.
After successfully leading a project to redesign the school shirt, the committee remains to provide a point of contact with the uniform supplier. They also hold second-hand uniform sales each term.
There are concert band and string ensemble extra-curricular programs offered at CPS by external providers. These programs were inspired by a dedicated group of parents in 2010 to move beyond the recorder and choir opportunities at the time. The programs have continued to grow since then. The music committee works to support and improve these offerings and is a point of contact for families with students enrolled in these programs. They continue to work with the school to consider how to make the band and strings programs more accessible for all students.