Canterbury Public School

Participation, Equity & Excellence

Telephone02 9718 2884

Bell times

School hours are from 9:20am to 3:20pm, Monday to Friday. Supervision commences in the playground from 8:50am. Parents and carers are responsible for their child's safety and supervision before this time. Children who need to be dropped off prior to 8:50am must be enrolled in before school care.

Students line up at 9:20am and walk to classrooms with their teachers.

Lunch is from 11:20 to 12:10pm, and afternoon recess 2:10pm to 2:35pm. 

There is no playground supervision after school and children will need to be picked up promptly at 3.20pm or enrolled in after school care.

During wet or dangerously windy weather, students move directly to classrooms in the morning and remain inside during breaks.