Canterbury Public School

Participation, Equity & Excellence

Telephone02 9718 2884

Learning across the curriculum

Cross curriculum content enriches and supports the learning areas and adds depth to student learning. In NSW students study a range of learning across the curriculum content.

Our teachers strive for excellence and equity and aim to empower students with the skills necessary to achieve their full potential. Teaching and learning programs focus on developing competencies in critical thinking, decision making, problem solving, cooperation, citizenship and social justice. Emphasis is placed on student welfare, individualised learning programs and strong parent partnerships.

Cross curriculum priorities

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures 
  • Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia 
  • sustainability

General capabilities

  • critical and creative thinking 
  • ethical understanding 
  • information and communication technology capability 
  • intercultural understanding 
  • literacy 
  • numeracy 
  • personal and social capability

Other learning across the curriculum areas

  • civics and citizenship
  • difference and diversity
  • work and enterprise.

© NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2012

Excursions and Incursions

Excursions and incursions are arranged by teachers to inform and complement classroom learning programs. Excursions are arranged with the view that all children will attend unless they are sick or other extenuating circumstances prevail. If for any reason, you find yourself in financial difficulties, please do not hesitate to make a confidential appointment with principal.